
Friday, 11 May 2012


As salam semua,

Kali ni cik penulis nak share gambar-gambar yg cik penulis sambut birthday tempoh hari.. Alhamdulillah telah diberikan Allah swt usia yang lebih untuk terus mengabdikan diri kepadaNYA.

Terharu sangat dgn surprise yg family buat ni ..Thanks for the delicious ice cream cake ..teringat satu qoute ni " life is like and ice cream,, enjoy it before it melts" ... so mmg tepat sangat la pemilihan kek ice cream tu kan.. Thanks u allzz..Thanks also for the lovely and meaningful table lamp.. it already light up my nite now...at least more expensive compare dgn lampu tido yg dibeli dgn harga RM4 tuuu..hehehhe..

Alhamdulillah syukur atas segala nikmat pemberian Allah swt...thank Allah just for the air im breathing, the eyes and mouth and feet and hands and nose and ears and body you let me use for a while...hopefully ill put it to good use..its not my body i know..its on loan...for a while..... thank you for the food, the shelter the love you bless me with.... the little things i usually overlook...